Contract Address :


Hold Tokyo Doge, Watch Your Doge Coin Stash Grow

Tokyo Doge Intro

Tokyo Doge Ecosystem



Tokyo Doge NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) play a crucial role within the Tokyo Doge ecosystem, offering unique and valuable digital assets .

P2E 313

P2E Arcade Game

Tokyo Doge Arcade is an engaging play-to-earn game that combines exciting gameplay with the earning potential of the Tokyo Doge Meme Token.


Token Utility

Tokyo Doge Meme Tokens earned in the game have real-world value and can be used beyond the game itself.


Buy Tax - 4%

( 4% Marketing )

Sell Tax - 8%

( 4% Marketing , 4% Doge Coin Reflection )


- Build a strong foundation with smart contract development and security audits.

- Create a transparent fairsale for initial token distribution.

- Launch Tokyo Doge NFTs First Collection.

- Launch Tokyo Doge Token at PCS & other Dex.

- Establish strategic partnerships to enhance project capabilities.

- Develop the Tokyo Doge Arcade game with play-to-earn mechanics.

- Launch the Tokyo Doge Arcade game, providing an engaging play-to-earn experience.

- Introduce staking for additional rewards.

- Expand Tokyo Doge Token's use cases in gaming platforms and applications.

- Launch the Tokyo Doge NFT marketplace for trading unique digital assets.

- Implement marketing campaigns to drive user adoption.

- Foster an active community through social media engagement and events.

- List Tokyo Doge Token on major centralized exchanges for accessibility.

- Enhance play-to-earn mechanics in the Arcade game to attract more users.

- Innovate with new features and gameplay elements in the Arcade game.

- Expand partnerships within gaming and blockchain industries.

- Explore additional revenue streams like token burns and DeFi integration.

- Support the community with education, events, and governance opportunities.

How To Buy ?

Create a Wallet

Download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

Get Some BNB

Have BNB in your wallet to switch to Tokyo Doge. If you don’t have any BNB, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to PancakeSwap

Go to PancakeSwap.Finance & connect your wallet. Paste the Tokyo Doge token address into Pancakeswap, select Tokyo Doge, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Switch BNB for Tokyo Doge

Switch BNB for Tokyo Doge .you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

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